Please refer to README.SELF-CONTAINED-EXTENSIONS from the original source distribution
—-from the readme file—-
Just to show you how easy it is to create a self-contained
extension, we will convert an embedded extension into a
self-contained one. Install PHP and execute the following
$ mkdir /tmp/newext
$ cd /tmp/newext
You now have an empty directory. We will copy the files from
the mysql extension:
$ cp -rp php-4.0.X/ext/mysql/* .
It is time to finish the module. Run:
$ phpize
You can now ship the contents of the directory – the extension
can live completely on its own.
The user instructions boil down to
$ ./configure \
[--with-php-config=/path/to/php-config] \
$ make install
The MySQL module will either use the embedded MySQL client
library or the MySQL installation in MYSQL-DIR.