LiberKey – Updatable Portable Software Package with more than 200 freewares

LiberKey – Updatable Portable Software Package with more than 200 freewares
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LiberKey – Updatable Portable Software Package with more than 200 freewares.

I am a big fan of portable application and probably is the most well known portable application suite. It presents about 70 freeware application as portable apps.

However, LiberKey’s Portable suite has comprehensive list of 202 freewares and worth to give it a try.

LiberKey of freeware packages are distributed as portable so that they can be used without the need for the installation. They presents three types of downloads – Basic, Standard, Ultimate. Each distribution package contains 28, 106, and 202 freewares.

Benefits of the portable programs are, of course, you can store them in a USB stick and bring anywhere you want and use them right away without installation.

If you use LiberKey package, it allowed you to update the software whenever there is a new version is available.

This is a very big image. 🙂

This is LiberKey screenshots. You can access the menu and softwares from the LibertyKey tray icon.


Using the LiberyKey Tools, you can associate the file extensions , back up the software settings, disconnect the USB drive, and etc.

I think this individual software update screen is the best function of LiberyKey.


Here are some other portable apps packages for you to check.

Thank you for visiting Hana & Sarah’s Freeware Blog.

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